I'm Back In The USS[A]
Cheerio, y'all.
Sitting In An English Garden Waiting For The Sun
Writing The Words Of A Sermon That No One Will Hear
Our pilgrimage coincidently ended at Canterbury where we had lunch with Grandfather Geoffrey and then toured the Canterbury Cathedral. The Cathedral's history goes back to 597AD when St Augustine, sent by Pope Gregory the Great as a missionary, established his seat (or 'Cathedra') in Canterbury. In 1170 Archbishop Thomas Becket was murdered in the Cathedral and ever since, the Cathedral has attracted thousands of pilgrims (now including me), as told famously in Geoffrey Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. Canterbury Cathedral is also the Mother Church of the Anglican Communion and the seat of the Archbishop of Canterbury…apparently making it more legit than St. Paul’s. jk.
Roman Lighthouse(Pharos)1st Century AD and Saxon Church
Me with France in the background
White Cliffs
Tomb of King Henry IV at Canterbury Cathedral
Where Thomas Becket was murdered
Cheerio, y'all.
I Get By With A Little Help From My Friends
To read more about the street pianos, check out

Cheerio, y'all.
Have You Heard The Word Is Love
Cheerio, y'all.
One And One And One Is Three
I was a bit worried/excited about going to the show alone but everything turned out great. I got to the venue really early because I had a standing ticket and wanted to get as close to the stage as possible. Luckily I was able to get a nice spot on the front row by the barricades. The band, location, crowd and overall environment of the show definitely made this concert one of the best I have ever seen. They even played my favorite song! The whole day was a spiritual experience.
Here are some shots from the show.
Cheerio, y'all.
Strawberry Fields Forever
Cheerio, y'all.
Her Majesty's A Pretty Nice Girl...
What a week! I know I promised to update more often but sleep has been winning that debate. But now, I can officially say that I’ve been to
Sophie, Countess of Wessex and wife to Britain's Prince Edward in pink --I do not know who the others are.
Camilla sitting next to Prince William and across from Prince Harry
The Queen sits with Prince Philip. She looks pretty good for 83.
Cheerio, y'all.
The Magical Mystery Tour Is Waiting To Take You Away
There Are Places I Remember; All My Life
The next morning, we left London at 8 a.m. for Stratford Upon Avon. The whole trip to Stratford was dedicated to all things Shakespeare. Tuesday was spent by seeing back-to-back plays at the Royal Shakespeare Theatre by the Royal Shakespeare Company – go figure. The RSC has long been recognized as the world's leading classical theatre company and its annual repertoire of productions features plays by Shakespeare, his contemporaries, other classical playwrights as well as many new plays specially commissioned by the RSC. We got to see the matinee performance of “As You Like It” and the evening performance of “Julius Caesar.” Both, of course, were fantastic. “As You Like It” had the most creative set. At the beginning of the play, the stage was bare, a white floor and a white back wall. Through the course of the play it gradually transformed into the Forest of Arden.
After each performance we walked down to this little pub called the Dirty Duck. It reminded me of Sundown in some ways, but it wasn’t as dirty. In between the plays, I got to meet a charming little woman named Joyce, who comes to the river and feeds the ducks and swans every evening. Each day, she collects the discarded food from her neighbor’s trashcans and saves it so she can feed the birds. She is definitely the nicest local I have met since I have been here. I also met a mean old man who ran an original chain boat ferry. I tried, various times throughout the afternoon, to strike up a conversation with him. I even went across the river and back but he was just plain grumpy…but in a charming way nonetheless. If I lived there, I know we would be friends.
Wednesday, again, was an ALL Shakespeare day. We toured 6 different estates that were connected to Shakespeare including his birthplace, Mary Arden’s house (where his mother was raised), Anne Hathaway’s Cottage (where his wife was raised), Halls Croft (where his daughter lived) and Nash House (where his granddaughter lived). We finished the Shakespeare day with a visit to Shakespeare’s grave at Holy Trinity Church.
After the tours I took a nice long walk down by the river. It was the perfect remedy for some much overdue alone time that I desperately needed. Stratford is such a peaceful place; a place I will remember. I was sad to leave.
Stay tuned: My next post will be on our day at Oxford --and all the cool Harry Potter movie locations I saw!
Cheerio, y’all
Na Na Na, Na Na Na Na, Na Na Na Na, Hey Jude
Although Westminster was a wonderful experience, it isn’t the event I was referring to in my previous post. Soon after we got to London, I found out that Shakespeare’s Hamlet was currently running at the Donmar West End at Wyndham’s Theatre. So Saturday, I went over to the theatre to see if they had any tickets still available and they just had some come up on the second row of the “Royal Circle.” Needless to say, I purchased them. Now, in addition to it being one of my favorite Shakes plays, the role of Hamlet was being played by one of my favorite actors…okay…wait for it…JUDE LAW. Yes, that’s right. I saw Hamlet, staring Jude Law yesterday afternoon. I got to spend 3 whole hours looking at him from the second row. That in itself was worth going; however, he surprisingly is an exceptional stage actor. Also in the show was Kevin R. McNally, who played Gibbs in Pirates of the Caribbean movies, as Claudius. Peter Eyre, who doubled as the ghost of King Hamlet and the player King in young Hamlet’s play, was my second favorite actor in the performance, but no doubt Jude was the best. I am still giddy about the whole experience. As of now, it is almost 1:00 and I am off to the City of London Museum so I will leave you all to reflect on Jude Law and how I am the luckiest girl in the world…well, almost. I haven’t married him yet ;)
Cheerio, y'all.
One Sweet Dream Came True Today, Came True Today
On the way back from the market, we stopped by George Orwell’s house then decided to venture off the tourist path a bit. Earlier that morning, I found out through the World Wide Web that Jimi Hendrix died in Notting Hill. After a bit of walking around a very ritzy neighborhood, we finally found the place on Lansdowne Crescent. Instead of turning around and going back the way we came, we kept walking and eventually circled around the town. Along the way, we passed the private gardens Julia Roberts and Hugh Grant explored in the movie, Notting Hill. I even got to see the little bench they sat on after the “whoopsie daisies” part. We have already planned to go back later this week and find The Traveler’s Bookshop. It was all very charming.
One thing that a lot of the students have been trying to do on this trip is to try new foods so once we got back to Bloomsbury, we ate at this Indian restaurant. It was not my first time trying Indian food, however, it was the first time I actually liked it. - Just in case you wanted to know, I had chicken curry. It’s getting close to 2 a.m. over here and I have class at 9 a.m. so I better be off to bed. I can’t wait to write about my adventures from today (Sunday). Seriously, I get extremely excited when I think about what and who I saw. I promise to write on it tomorrow, but get ready because it’s good.
Cheerio, y’all
Hey, You've Got To Hide Your Love Away
Love Is All You Need
toast with strawberry jam
a fried egg
a fried tomato
baked beans
a baked potato square
tea with lemon
Normally I am a bit finicky about meat but I did try everything and it was quite good. At 10:00 we got on a bus and took a tour around
Thursday evening we went to Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre and saw “Romeo and Juliet.” I am fairly certain that it is the best theatrical performance I have ever seen. The most brilliant element of the play was the comedic execution. Specifically, many of the characters dramatized several phallic and yonic allusions that I had not previously read into the text. It was absolutely hilarious.
In short, every other Shakespeare play and movie adaptation pales in comparison to a performance at the Globe. More later on Thursday's outings at the Charleston House and the London Philharmonic Symphony.
It's Been A Hard Day's Night
After we landed and got settled in the hotel, we made a quick trip to exchange currency at an ATM, or as they call it, "Hole in the Wall." After that, we walked around Bloomsbury and eventually found the place where our classes will be. As it turns out, our classrooms are in the upper floors of an old bookshop that is dedicated to publishing the works of philosopher/scientist/etcetera, Emanuel Swedenborg. From there, we walked to the British Museum and saw various exhibits including sculptures from ancient Egypt, the Aztecs and the Parthenon. We also saw the Rosetta Stone--the Egyptian artifact, not the language software. I might go back to the BM while I am here as I was too tired yesterday to truly appreciate it. Yesterday seems like a drunken memory. However, last nights sleep was the best I've ever had.
I will have to post of my adventures from today a little later, as they are not yet over. As of now, I need to go get ready for tonight. We are going to see "Romeo and Juliet" at the Globe Theatre! Jealous?
Who/which is older? The professors or the Rosetta Stone ;)
Cheerio, y'all
Blog Archive
- Strawberry Fields Forever
- Her Majesty's A Pretty Nice Girl...
- The Magical Mystery Tour Is Waiting To Take You Away
- There Are Places I Remember; All My Life
- Na Na Na, Na Na Na Na, Na Na Na Na, Hey Jude
- One Sweet Dream Came True Today, Came True Today
- Hey, You've Got To Hide Your Love Away
- Love Is All You Need
- It's Been A Hard Day's Night